Friday, February 26, 2010

Snow Day!

It just snowed and snowed and snowed... much that New York City public schools were closed for only the sixth time in four years!

So much snow demands warming comfort food - so we're having this for dinner, yum!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It was one of those nights where the Empire State Building had no head..

...the night on which I discovered the very strange link between bars on 33rd street and Ballyshannon!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


A wonderful friend has hosted two crafting afternoons to encourage our creative spirits ...lubricated by a little beer, which always helps!

Last Sunday, some crafted tales of magical unicorns, while others made felt fridge magnets, inspired by these. Our host, a paragon of new motherhood, fed us delicious pita chips and lasagne in between caring for her adorable daughter. And while we crafted, the boys played guitar and made our ears happy.

I was pretty pleased with how mine turned out.

I have bigger ideas for these though! To be continued...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


On Tuesday night we went to see Yeasayer in the Music Hall of Williamsburg.

They were simply amazing.

I've been listening to Yeasayer for about 2-3 years now - ever since our friend Ian introduced us to their first album (All Hour Cymbals), and we saw them open at Central Park Summerstage, for The National, another favorite.

If you were to give me their new album, Odd Blood, and it was the first that I had ever heard of the band, I don't know if I would like it... In fact, I don't think I liked their first album the first time I heard it. But, given time - a couple of listens - their brilliance becomes clear: the complex layering of instruments and effects, the unique voices and harmonies, the opaque, mind-bending lyrics. There's just nothing else like them at the moment.

I think of them as being carrolesque, if that makes sense... which brings me to something else I am very, very excited about...

Matt Lucas as Tweedledee and Tweedledum? Pure genius!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I cycled home in the snow tonight, for the first time! Going through the Park was beautiful - there was a such a light dusting of snow over everything - like finely ground swarovski crystals.
The park was deserted - there were entire sections where I was completely alone... a little eerie, but incredibly peaceful.

I'm always amazed at how, even in a city as big and crowded as New York, you can often find yourself all alone and quiet... in the park, on the street, in the subway. Of course, some people feel all alone even when they're surrounded by people. I'm so very lucky to experience it only rarely, and to want to keep a record.