Saturday, May 1, 2010

Block printing, attempt 1

A mess, a punctured and bloody finger, sore shoulders (from the carving) and several hours of a Saturday morning produced two relatively pleasing looking owls.
The printed versions weren't quite as pleasing. I just couldn't seem to get the amount and distribution of the ink right. The cards are also too small. But as my very first attempt at block printing, I don't think they turned out too bad - not bad, but not great either.
I followed Lizzy House's lovely tutorial, although I don't think I followed it that closely, because I thought "Well, how difficult can it be?" Rather difficult, apparently! I also wish I was more artistically talented... I picture something in my head - I know what I want to draw - but when I put pencil to paper, it doesn't look as it should. Something I can work on, no doubt, but I do wish I had some of that natural artistic ability!

Happy Saturday!


  1. Don't lose patience. It usually doesn't work on first try. It never does for me, at least. Try different papers, maybe and different colors. And maybe a printed background, as well (for one of my projects I just rolled the rolly-thing used to put the color on the carved block across my cards to create an uneven background and it made the print look a lot better). The owls themselves look great.

  2. Thanks Julia! I really appreciate the encouragement :) Thanks so much for taking the time to stop in and comment!
