Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tangled Up

Last night, in an attempt to overcome my current motivational/productivity doldrums, I decided to wind some yarn. First up was some beautiful Manos del Uruguay Maxima Multi (in Peach Melba), which wound perfectly and will soon be on its way to my nana, who, in her 92nd year has taken up knitting again with gusto!
Nest I tried to wind a hank of Malabrigo sock yarn (in Alcaucil), with the intention of starting this scarf, inspired by JCasa. It seems that tangles are a common problem with this wool, but what a terrible mess it's in!! I'm not sure it's salvageable - I just don't have the patience...although maybe with Simon's help I can try to sort it out over the weekend.
Also sitting and waiting to receive the benefits of an energy spurt, is the wedding quilt!! And the supposed-rush-job baby quilt! If only there were enough hours...


  1. very quiet missy?!? had no pooter for 3 weeks now at least, expected lots of fun and titbits to catch up on when i returned to cyber space.......... ya must have got tangled up in that piece of yarn????

    Elainey and Loooockey!

  2. Hey, Clare! We are missing updates on your crafting projects. Hope you drop news soon!

  3. Aw thanks guys!! I'm trying to get back on the blogging wagon! so glad to hear you missed me! :)
